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Viktor Gamov
Caio Casimiro

A Technical Deep Dive in WebAssembly for Kong Gateway

Viktor Gamov - Kong / Caio Casimiro - Kong


Get ready for the ultimate API management experience! Discover the power of WebAssembly in Kong Gateway using WasmX. Learn how to build custom plugins for the latest in API management technology. Don’t miss this chance to learn from a Kong expert and take your API management to the next level!

We all know WebAssembly is a game-changer in multi-language development, but have you ever wondered how to use it in your API gateway? Well, that’s where WasmX comes in. It extends Nginx to support WebAssembly in a way agnostic to virtual machines. Viktor Gamov, a principal developer advocate at Kong, will give you a sneak peek of the new support we’re adding to the Kong Gateway - the most popular open-source gateway, using WasmX, a project we’ve been working on here in Kong. Viktor will also talk about Proxy-Wasm, the emerging standard for gateway extensions using Wasm, which allows you to write filters once and use them in different gateways or meshes. In the end, we will touch on the performance aspects of WasmX and Kong Gateway.

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